Human population studies in 2010 showed that exposure to NO2 was associated with several bad health outcomes including increased risk of congenital heart defects (Vrijheid et al 2010), lower infant birth weight (Lepeule et al 2010, Darrow et al 2010), post-menopausal breast cancer in women (Crouse et al 2010), impairments in children’s lungs especially among genetically susceptible persons (Breton et al 2010), increased risks of developing childhood asthma (Clark et al 2010), exacerbated wheezing among asthmatic children (Mann et al 2010), and increased acute childhood leukaemia among those living nearby heavy-traffic road (within 500 meters) or chronically exposed to more than 27.7μgm-3 of NO2 (Amigou et al 2010).
Earlier epidemiologic evidence quoted by WHO showed the adverse health effects of NO2 on daily mortality, children’s hospital admissions for asthma, emergency visits due to ischaemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma, lung cancer, preterm birth, foetus growth retardation, and sudden infant death (WHO 2006).
Apart from the health effects attributable to exposure to NO2, other recently reported health effects of exposure to this pollutant include increased infant mortality risks (Son et al 2010), narrowed arteries in the retina (Adar et al 2010), atherosclerosis (Bauer et al 2010), cardiovascular mortality (Guo et al 2010), inflammation of the middle ear in infants (Macintyre et al 2011), damage to DNA (Ren et al 2010), all-causes of mortality and specifically, respiratory and lung cancer deaths (Hales et al 2010), childhood bronchial hyper-reactivity and asthma (Carlsten et al 2010), emergency hospital visits for hypertension (Guo et al 2010), hospital admissions for ischaemic stroke (Andersen et al 2010), daily mortality (Kan et al 2010) and altered cardiac autonomic function (Wu et al 2010).
While we must be cautious about attributing bad health outcomes to a single pollutant in environments where several pollutants are raised, the accumulating weight of evidence suggests that NO2 levels are an important indicator of health risks. Urgent and effectice action is needed to reduce all emissions including NO2 and volatile organic compounds.
While we must be cautious about attributing bad health outcomes to a single pollutant in environments where several pollutants are raised, the accumulating weight of evidence suggests that NO2 levels are an important indicator of health risks. Urgent and effectice action is needed to reduce all emissions including NO2 and volatile organic compounds.
Edited by AJH
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